My Word for 2017

I am going to WRITE my way through this coming year. WRITE is my One Little Word for 2017. 

I am truly sick of thinking about writing and talking about writing and telling my husband and my sister that I want to plan how to do more of it. This year, I'm skipping the "prep" step and I'm simply going to do it.  I first started blogging back in 2005 and over time I became more and more comfortable with sitting down and writing extemporaneously. I want that again. I want to be able to process thoughts and record personal and family experiences for posterity. I know that I love to write and I have a strong desire to get better at it and the ONLY way that happens is if I do it consistently. In the past, I've had deadlines for articles or classes that have forced me to sit at my computer and struggle to express coherent ideas, but that is no longer my reality. My first resolution and foremost goal then in 2017 is to WRITE. To begin, I will write on my blog every single day for at least 100 days. That's April 10th people. Every single day until April 10th I will write something on my blog. I just repeated myself on purpose! I'm certain there will be days where all I can manage is a sentence or two or a favorite quote or a photo with a short explanation, but it won't matter, because it will count and I'm NOT giving in or backing down or taking no for an answer. I am hitting the publish button on this post, so that I have some public accountability—and even when it's very quiet public accountability is still an effective motivator. 

In addition to actually writing, I also want to read about writing, so I'm compiling a reading list. If you can recommend a book or a blog or podcast or whatever about writing, will you please leave me a comment? I'm eager to read what other people write or what they have written about writing—and I'm very eager to start WRITING again.

Of course, I've already said that. 

p.s. I made my colorful image on my iPad with the notes app -- fun and easy. Have you tried it yet? I also made me some #OLW wallpaper for my phone. 



stacy julian

Memory maker, storyteller, podcaster and teacher. I HELP others do something with some of their photos and tell their stories.

#52Stories Why I make my bed.


I LOVE this New Year tradition!