Trey Day | 7.17

Trey took his first solo road trip this month. I guess it wasn't technically solo, because he traveled with this buddy, Casey, but it was a road trip sans parents and sans any parent-planned agenda. They left super early on Wednesday, July 12th and got home on Sunday, the 16th. I'm all about this kind of thing which I've learned is a big deal, perhaps especially for boys. They need to venture out on their own and I need to not only let them do it, but trust them to do it well. Yes, any number of things could go wrong, but that's the awesome part. They get to go and make decisions and either enjoy or suffer the consequences. There will likely be some healthy problem-solving involved and as a result some bonafide growth. The good news is Trey and Casey chose to drive to Utah, where a few of my siblings reside, so I knew he wouldn't be too far from help. And, as expected, they had a GREAT time. They met up with mutual friends and did some exploring in the form of hiking, skateboarding, shopping, visiting and a few other touristy things. They had full control of music on the road and had lots of time to talk and just be. 

I sure do LOVE this kid.

stacy julian

Memory maker, storyteller, podcaster and teacher. I HELP others do something with some of their photos and tell their stories.

Addie Day | 8.2017


Lauren Day | 7.17