Live Your Story with Stacy Julian

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Introducing Short Story ❤️

Today is THE DAY.
How about a BIG collective Squeeee!

One of my MOST favorite projects and solutions of all time is now available in my Story by Stacy line of products from Close To My Heart. This product kit and workbook are designed to help memory keepers reconnect to the JOY of scrapbooking PICTURES. Remember how fun it used to be? Remember the exhilarating feeling you had when you FINISHED? That is what Short Story is all about. 

Here, have a watch ...
I've taught this concept for years and I've probably created over a dozen of these little books. Anytime I am feeling not-so-produtive or overwhelmed or behind and I want to recharge and remember that liberating and playful sensation of FLOW where I'm in my element and creating from an intuitive and confident place, I use this approach! You may know it as Finish Line Scrapbooking or perhaps Fun & Done, but it's now Short Story and it 100% WORKS when you want to get a big stack of photos scrapbooked, really FAST and be really THRILLED with the results. 

I'll be sharing much more in the coming days and weeks, but just know that now is the perfect time to find a CTMH consultant and schedule or join a class so that you can CREATE something you love and something you can share with someone you love.

You deserve a little me time and some very happy results.