Faith. Family. Story.

stacy julian stacy julian

Gluten Free Pumpkin Muffins

So, it's General Conference Sunday, which means that we won't be going to church today. Instead, we will stay home (in our PJs) and watch two sessions of inspiring and uplifting talks, broadcast from the headquarters of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in Salt Lake City, Utah. It also means that Mom (that's me) will fix a really yummy breakfast. Since both Geoff and I are eating a modified Paleo diet, we eat very little grain anymore, and lots of vegetables, which (to be perfectly honest) doesn't readily appeal to younger palettes (ie, kids.) Our kids have been very supportive overall and so every now and then I bake cookies or muffins as a treat. Today, I'm sharing my FAVORITE Pumpkin Muffins. 

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Family History, Books stacy julian Family History, Books stacy julian

I'm writing a new book.

It's true and I'm excited, but I need your help!

First, let me tell you how this happened ...
I had the truly awesome opportunity to present a class last February at the RootsTech event in Salt Lake City. I was super nervous, because this was the first time I had presented outside the scrapbooking industry and I wasn't sure if my ideas would resonate with the RootsTech audience, As I've said in my post yesterday, RootsTech was mind-blowing. There were so many people there that even my (first-timer) class was full—standing room only. Once I stood up to teach, the anxiety melted away. I began to talk and there was lots of energy in the room, I realized that the new audience wasn't a problem, because I LOVE photos and stories, and so did they. I was still sharing what I love, just in a new way, so it flowed and I felt surprisingly comfortable. I had tons of support. Geoff flew down to be with me and so did my Mom and Dad—and my Utah family came out in force—even Clark skipped his class and drove up from BYU (about an hour away) and sat on the front row, so mama would have someone to look at if needed! Immediately following my presentation, several people came forward to ask questions and make comments. I was on cloud nine—I had that unmistakable post-presentation feeling of immense relief and I was suddenly very HUNGRY. As I made my way out into the hall, a woman stepped forward and introduced herself as the acquisitions editor for Cedar Fort Publishing and said, "I'd like you to put what you've just shared into a book." Woah. I was momentarily stunned, but then I came to my senses and said something like, "I don't think so, I'm trying to retire!" We chatted for a moment and I then I told her we could talk later and gave her my phone number.  

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Stories of Things stacy julian Stories of Things stacy julian

Five Things Photos

If you're like me and you're rather an on again, off again type of memory keeper, then you'll LOVE this super EASY method for capturing the present personality and interests of family members or anyone else (say, friends, roommates, etc.) 

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stacy julian stacy julian

Pretty Painted Pinecones

I live in Eastern Washington, which is known for an abundance of Ponderosa Pine and the pine cones? To die for. Every year in September, they begin dropping to the ground and it's almost as if there were candy strewn on the ground, free for the taking. 

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Stories of Us stacy julian Stories of Us stacy julian

Fifteen Years of Fake Nails.

Wow! The day you look at your hands and realize you're old. Age spots and wrinkles and prominent veins and don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining at all. In fact, I'm very grateful for these hands and the stories they tell of adventures in cooking, cleaning, crafting and so much more.

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stacy julian stacy julian

What is Scrapbooking?

Help me write a good definition of scrapbooking. Leave me a comment and share your thoughts!

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stacy julian stacy julian

A Fresh Start (again)

I promised myself I would start blogging again on (or before) September 1st. It's now 9:34pm, very near my bedtime and I'm tired, so here goes ...

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Sprinkles stacy julian Sprinkles stacy julian

I'm bringing sprinkles back!

I love and use sprinkles. Not just the candy kind, but also the kind that involve intentional acts of awareness, compassion, curiosity and creativity. I call these everyday sprinkles, and I'm bringing them back!

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stacy julian stacy julian

Because He Lives!

I love this Easter holiday. 
I love going to church and singing (as loud as my kids will allow) the hymn, Christ The Lord is Risen Today(chorus: Hallelujah!) I love this video that reminds us that because of Christ Jesus we will be resurrected and we have the opportunity to repent, over and over and over again.

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