Faith. Family. Story.
My New Holiday Decor Solution!
I like to decorate for the holidays. Truly I just like to decorate. I actually think this is why and how I celebrate most holidays—it's all about the decorations. I do like traditions too, but I kinda think the traditions grew out of the fact that I was putting up decorations, so needed to come up with a way to justify them, ha! I collect little do-dads and place them around my home, in the corners and on my kitchen window sill. I'm weird like that. I think my grandkids (when I get some) will like this about me. It seems grandma-like don't you think?
Early in my marriage I had a little wood shelf that I painted barn red. I had no money, so I saved up and bought it unfinished. I called it our holiday shelf and I would tote it from house to house and hang it in a prominent location and then decorate it differently each month. I even took a tole painting class—yes, this dates me—when I lived in Utah, so that I could create little wood decorations to display on my shelf. It was DIY before DIY was cool. I'll have to see if I can find a picture to post!
Strawberries & Tickets
Today is National Strawberry Day. One of my favorite Christmas gifts this year was THIS CALENDAR. I love it. It's old fashioned in that it hangs on my wall and I can easily look at it and see the coming days and note which fun and silly holidays are approaching. Had I not known that it was National Strawberry Day then I may not have purchased strawberries at Costco when I was there and I would have missed out on a FUN after school moment with Addie Lu. We had dumped the strawberries into my big orange colander and rinsed them off. I was going to pull out the stems and cut them up for dinner, but then Addie started eating them and we started talking and giggling and I realized that to truly celebrate the strawberry—it all it's heart-shaped glory, with that perfect little stem handle—we would all need to eat them whole. Addie helped me put them in a big bowl. We sprinkled a little sugar on top and then shared them with Dad and the boys when they got home.
My "Mighty" Mini for Valentine's Day
Just for FUN, here's a short video overview of the Valentine mini-book that I created for a class at Big Picture Classes last February. I just pulled it out with a few items of decor yesterday and it makes me super HAPPY.
Double the Network!
Several years ago at a family reunion, my brother, Cougar gave us a new way to think about our extended family (which now consists of more than 35 people, spread across five states) so that we could more readily call upon the love and concern that we have for one another. He asked us if we remembered the Verizon Wireless commercials, where the Verizon Guy, in his signature gray jacket, stood holding his flip phone. He was always surrounded by dozens of people, which visually represented the wireless network, or the support that you would have and feel if you were a Verizon customer. The question, posed by the test guy in most of these commercials, which became the subject of countless jokes, was, “Can you hear me now?” which of course is always a resounding YES, IF you’re lucky enough to own a Verizon phone plan.
My “Family” Bathroom
About a year ago, I was preparing to write a book. In fact, I was DONE writing the book and was working on photography and final details, when I found out the entire project had been canceled. Details are here. Life moves on and for most of last year I simply forgot about all that work I had done, but now as I am preparing again to teach at RootsTech, I'm remembering and thinking and deciding what I want to do, and I've decided that I simply want to share what I wrote—here on my blog! I mean, duh. Why not? In fact, even though I am NOT a graphic designer, I might even figure out how to flow all this content with images so that the individual chapters/projects/essays would be easy to print for anyone who wants a hard copy—if this is you, leave me a comment!
So, without further delay, Here is the introduction to my (almost) book, with no title ...