Be Good to People

Since its inception, the idea of Be Good to People® has inspired people to show up as a better version of themselves—I can’t wait for you to hear founder, Kris Wittenberg share her story and a very recent experience that was related to her from a women with a Be Good to People hat. Today’s episode is in celebration of goodness. The kind we need much more of right now and the kind that we each have the opportunity of igniting in ourselves and our communities.

I know you’re going to love this episode and walk away with a renewed sense of optimism for and about humanity!

Here’s a couple of videos to help you get to know BGTP as a company and a movement …


When you wear a Be Good to People shirt or hat you actually inspire kinder and more positive action, but you are also supporting and encouraging the reach of the non-profit foundation by the same name.

I love the three pillars that Kris explains which support this foundation …

  1. Recognizing people and organizations who are being good to people.

  2. Creating and supporting people-centered kindness events.

  3. Developing kinder environments in schools and organizations.

So, here’s what we do next …

Make a purchase in the BGTP online store.
The best way to spread the message is to wear it around!

Follow BGTP on Instagram at @begoodtopeople and join the Facebook community

Note: I opened today’s episode with Jack Johnson singing Good People.

stacy julian

Memory maker, storyteller, podcaster and teacher. I HELP others do something with some of their photos and tell their stories.

Q&A with Stacy (part 2)


ScrapSmarter with Alice