Just Ask!
Today’s micro show is about ASKING which I believe is one of the greatest ideas ever conceived.
Do you want or need help? Ask! I promise, it’s easier than you might think and rather than “feeling stupid” there’s a good chance you’ll be richly rewarded. Asking improves our lives—it nurtures curiosity and invites exploration. Asking is how we elevate our intellect beyond genetic instincts to a more advanced and fulfilling pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. Asking a simple question can spark a conversation. When we ask, we give ourselves the chance to become a better listener and we build bridges of understanding.
Depending on the type of questions you have, you can ask a friend, your brother, Google or God. One of the most repeated phrases in scripture? Ask and ye shall receive.
Listen and I’ll relate a few experiences I’ve had as a result of asking or being asked—as recently as two days ago!
This is what I have learned: Eleven times out of ten, both the asker and the asked are blessed!
“As a creative entrepreneur, everything is about asking. Asking myself to be willing to do the work, asking the Muse to come play with me, asking life to hold me as I try my wings. And the scary part: asking other people. Asking them to support my work, to share my work, to buy what I sell, to read my words, to come to my retreats and so on.”
A couple of years ago I had a blast helping a friend redecorate her apartment. Why? Because she asked me to help her hang some family photos—and it turned into so much more!
Here are the before/after pictures I promised …
Soon we’ll begin gathering again and when we do, I will be eager to ask more questions—especially of my oldest family members—they have so much to share and their wisdom truly is FREE for the asking. Remember Geoff’s experience at his grandfather’s funeral AND click here to download your copy of The Family Information Sheet. All you have to do is print this sheet and hand it to someone you love—or put it in the mail. Either way, you’ll most likely discover priceless personal perspective!
I hope you enjoy a Happy Easter weekend. I will be sharing my friend, Diane’s Seder plate as I learn together with family members about the symbolic and ritualistic foods important to Jewish Passover observance. I am able to do this, because I asked a casual question on an Instagram post.
People are generally good and kind and very willing to show up, participate, help out and share their insights and stories. What a gift!
And, don’t forget that I asked you a question and that I very much value your thoughts—so thank YOU in advance!