The Power of Same

Today’s micro-show is an opportunity to recognize rituals in your life.

Everybody who has watched the long-running children’s show, Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood—at least twice—knows what Mr. Rogers does when he walks into his house. This is because what Mr. Rogers does is the SAME every single show.

Have you ever wondered WHY?
What Mr. Rogers does is a powerful example of a ritual …

A ritual is a sequence of activities involving gestures, words, actions, or objects, performed in a sequestered place and according to a set sequence. Rituals may be prescribed by the traditions of a family, community, or religious observation or worship. Rituals are a feature of all known human societies.


In exploring the whys and hows of rituals, I found and enjoyed this article by Penny Ward—and shared this portion in the show:

Rituals are a meaningful and mindful way of connecting with your energy with focused attention and intention. Through rituals, you are giving yourself permission to create the time and space to connect the reality of life with your inner energy, your intuition, your passions and aspirations.

Rituals can be powerful, meaningful and symbolic. In contrast to a routine which is a simple action. The primary difference is the mindset and attitude behind the action.

I absolutely believe in the power of same—especially as we navigate an ever more hectic and frantic world. I have drawn so much strength and focus from my morning ritual and I love and enthusiastically recommend the commandment to observe and keep the Sabbath Day holy—as a day of rest and renewal.


✅ An rituals can be silly reminders and messages to our brains that help prepare us for necessary and important tasks—like with John Acuff dons his bright green running shoes to … sit down and write!

IF you’re needing more from your daily routine, I invite you to approach even mundane tasks with ritualistic behaviors that will bring more intention and awareness to your day and your life—this is always a good thing!

As always, I’d LOVE to hear your thoughts—and when you subscribe to Exactly Enough Time, the two of us could create a Thursday morning ritual ❤️

A huge shout out to Stephanie Smokovich and Kim McArthur for sending me SpeakPipe messages. Both will be receiving a Story Starter kit from my Story by Stacy line of products produced in partnership with Close To My Heart.

stacy julian

Memory maker, storyteller, podcaster and teacher. I HELP others do something with some of their photos and tell their stories.

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